Learning Resources
This section has book suggestions, typing games, math games and much more!Reading
Online reading is beneficial as a way to reach a child who is reluctant, or just needs something fresh. Of course, books are great on an E-reader. These websites are value-added though.TUMBLEBOOKS

Tumblebooks reading online
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- GoodReads book recommendations for grade four readers
- GreatSchools book suggestions with summaries
- Go to page 40 of this GREAT Calgary Public Library document for grade four suggestions. You will see suggestions here for Babies all the way to Adults.
- Beanstack Personalized List @ CALGARY PUBLIC LIBRARY - a parent or child fills out a quick questionnaire to get weekly, personalized book suggestions for a child - sent to your email In-Box.
MULTIPLICATION PRACTICE - ONLINE GAMES & WORKSHEETSMath Baseball – answer questions to hit the ball and see if you can get a run in. Choose “singles” for regular times tables, and "doubles” for 2 x 1 digit multiplication good for mental math practice. www.prongo.com/math/multiplication.html
Multiplication.com – full of tons of different games. Some of the best for times tables are the Granny Prix (race your granny by answering questions right), Car Wash, Patty’s Paints and Pizza Pizzazz. Most of these allow you to choose a level of difficulty or they ask you to choose one times table group to practice.

More of a worksheet style - - This one lets you focus on just those classic tricky times tables, whichever ones you want. For most, it’s the sevens, eights and nines. You select one times table at a time on this one and it scores it after. It’s also printable.
Primary Games offers a range of games such as “Math Apocalypse, where you can choose to work on adding and subtracting, or multiplication and division. www.primarygames.com/math/mathapocalypse/
King of Math is a fun game where you can build an empire, earning weapons and soldiers when you answer enough questions correctly. They all help you keep the zombies away. It's good! At first you should just be playing the grade 3 / level 3 which practices basic times tables and mental math adding and subtracting. It's enough! Grade 4 is quite difficult and you might find yourself throwing in random guesses (it's multiple choice), which will not help your math skills.
https://www.mathgames.com/play/King of Math
MathMan has been recommended by students, this is a game where you can choose to practice multiplication or addition/subtraction. It's not as good as some; here you spend more time playing a Pac-Man type game and less time actually doing math.
Hoodmath offers a range of games at various levels. There are also geometry games, fraction games and more. You will see that this site sometimes updates itself seasonally. One good game is “Penguin Jump Multiplication”.
Math Games offers very targeted skills for all kinds of grade four topics. It's less game-y and more question-and-answer. It's very visual and very good. It gives you feedback on whether you got the question right or wrong instantly. There is a good menu of choices, and you can choose to make anything a worksheet instead of online.
FLASHCARD GAME STYLE: “Are You a Math Magician?” This one has a timer (2 ½ minutes), but it isn’t too obvious, it’s more of an hourglass on the side and it makes no noise. It practices mixed times tables, but lets you pick from level 1 and then level 2 of difficulty. It gives you a percentage afterward but it doesn’t tell you which ones were wrong and which were right. Nice big clean numbers, no distractions on the side.
Like a worksheet, but you complete it online and then it marks it. You can focus on just the ones that are tricky for you. For most, it’s the sevens & eights. You select a times table, and it scores it after. You can have picture help turned “on” or “off”.
- Music can be very good for getting the necessary repetitions. Good rhymes and tunes make practicing the facts more ‘catchy’. Great for listening in the car! The Public Library has this first title on CD, and the rest are on YouTube.
- Multiplication Mountain has song tracks and then another track with ‘blanks’ for the answers, so that the child can say them.
- Mr. DeMaio – an American teacher who does songs set to current pop tunes. Maybe the goofiness of his teacher colleagues is why this is soooo compelling! One song for each times table. https://www.youtube.com/user/MrDeMaio7/videos
- McCarthy Math Academy – all the way from 0 to 12 times tables in 7 ½ minutes. You can skip through the ones that are too easy for you. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EgjCLhoI9Mk
- Silly School Songs – One song for each times table, specifically practicing skip counting. Also counts them backwards a little, in a loop that goes over the song again and again. https://www.youtube.com/user/SillySchoolSongs/videos
- This old chestnut? Yes! Wonderful! Schoolhouse Rock, from the early 1970s . Videos that are, well, groovy! One song for each times table. www.youtube.com/watch?v=EvqrAwrAs1A&list=PLnx6r9S_SJ7I_Msib-Nj-zgROaicmyqA8&index=9

You can listen to and watch a “lesson” in nice, plain language on math topics at all grades at Khan Academy. They call them tutorials and they are remarkably good, especially for free.
IXL, also known as Go Math, has practice questions for all kinds of math topics, from algebra to division to problem solving with fractions. It’s organized by grade level.
IXL Math Grade 4
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Esmerelda and Goober from Planet Protectors |
PLANET PROTECTORS (Science Team Challenge)
Students are working on a series of team challenges in December & January for "Waste and Our World". They can extend their learning and maybe earn points for their teams by watching videos, reading etc. on this extension website.AndGoober.com for more Planet Protector fun!
When students are practicing their keyboarding skills (typing skills), it is VERY important that they not do the "hunt and peck" style of typing where they are using just their index fingers to press each letter. There is a proper method, taught in the first of these game sites. The student at a keyboard, and puts the four fingers of each hand on a special "home row" and uses all these fingers. This will allow the student to make gains in speed and accuracy over time.- BBC DANCE MAT TYPING - several levels, instruction to "stay on the home rows" and it shows what that is. Funny British accent. www.bbc.co.uk/guides/z3c6tfr#z34thyc
- ALPHA MUNCHIES - not as good, but does feel like more of a game. Type the right letters before the monsters eat your food! www.abcya.com/kids_typing_game.htm
- LONG JUMP TYPING - even better, because it mimics real keyboarding by having the user type real words instead of just random letters. games.sense-lang.org/longJump.php


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BRAINFUZE HELP NOW - FREE ONLINE TUTORING - expert help online from 2 pm to 11 pm. daily! Chat live with a tutor and get customized assistance. Aligned with Alberta curriculum for students grade 2-12. Brainfuse works best on Google Chrome and by selecting: "HTML4 Classroom." This should be the login. events.calgarypubliclibrary.com/e-library?p=224
SOLARO - Course lessons, reviews and practice tests for grades 3 through 12. This is the same excellent review information found in a physical paper library resource called "The Key". Alberta Curriculum only! This should take you to the login. app.solaro.com/courses

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"No Excuse" Wordlist - organized for grades K - 3
Click here for link to download
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