Robogals - Free Coding/Programming workshops for girls

HEY, Kids!  

Robogals UCalgary is holding a series of Robotics workshops on Saturdays starting February 9th, 2019 until March 2nd, at the University of Calgary. 

The workshop is completely free and run by our Robogals UCalgary undergraduate student volunteers from the University of Calgary. Kids will learn about Engineering and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) concepts through simple programming challenges with LEGO EV3 Mindstorm Robots. The target age group is 8-12 years old (no previous programming knowledge required).

Extra information: 
There are files that we cannot attach here, but the teachers can email you if you ask.  
Katia Greco, President - 

Note:  Robogals is directed to and designed for girls, but boys can also attend.  


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