Welcome to our blog! Here you will find photos and information from our field studies, as well as some updates regarding what's going on in our classroom.
Quest Theatre performance - March 8
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On Friday, March 8th, students performed a quick play that they had helped their Quest Theatre guide create. They were funny! The plays had an over-reaching theme of culture.
We have no photos of the ceremony, as it is a solemn one and photos aren't allowed. Our grade fours did a wonderful job performing "Please Wear a Poppy", a fairly long poem that explains why wearing poppies is important. We were very proud of the job they did, and how well they represented our school.
Making Crab Apple (or Crabapple) Jelly was a great time! There were many steps. First we gathered donations of apples / crab apples, but we needed to get some more. Some of the donated ones were rotten because we didn't have enough refrigerator storage space. We went on a field study to find an pick apples around the neighbourhood. Then we prepared the apples by cutting out any bruised or rotten bits (sometimes just getting rid of the whole apple), and taking off the stem. For larger apples, we cut out the core. We boiled the apples in some very large pans of hot water, and put them through a sieving system with some cheesecloth. This drained overnight. The next day, we had a parent volunteer help us. Thanks so much to Kirsten! We had delicious juice, but now needed to boil it, stir in a whole lot of sugar, a bit of lemon juice and some pectin to help it set. All our jars had to be boiled so that the jelly could last for a longe...
Flames Games on Mar. 21, Mar. 25 or Mar. 27 to Support our Schools Calgary Flames game tickets are available to any CBE students, staff and their families. Book early before these games sell out! These are dates over the spring break. Orders will be processed and emailed within 3-4 business days. Tickets are Press Level Seating (third level) which will be selected from best available, on a first-come first-served basis. Tickets are only $39 each and $10 from every ticket purchased goes to your school of choice. Click here for the link: https://www.nhl.com/flames/tickets/cbe
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