Head-Smashed-In Buffalo Jump

We had a special trip to Head-Smashed-In Buffalo Jump
Jyotsna says that: 
It was a late return trip, it was a two hour drive to go and another two hours to come back!  Both classes had a First Nations guide.  One of then was Shane and the other one was Stan.  
First both of the classes went into a room and we all got or back packs off and our coats off.  Then one class went inside first to see the museum and the other class went out to see the jump first.  Ms. Finlay's class went to a room where there were artifacts placed in the middle of the room
We needed to sit down with girls on one side and boys on the other.  We got turns to pick one of the artifacts and the guide would tell what it was used for.  Miss Tempest's class learned about the actual jump, like how they had to prepare for it and how some people dressed in buffalo skins and one dressed as a buffalo calf and some dressed as wolves.  They saw where they actually jumped off and where the kill site was (at the bottom) and the preparation site after they were all dead.   Then we switched places.  Ms Finlay's class went out to the jump and Miss Tempest's class learned about the artifacts.  Then in the end we did a 1.2 kilometre walk.  
From Head-Smashed-In Buffalo Jump to our school it's 183 kilometres.  



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